A TERM PAPER ON MULTILINGALISM IN NIGERIA –A CURSE OR A BLESSING, DEPARTMENT OF EUROPEAN STUDIES, FACULTY OF ARTS, UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN. INTRODUCTION TO MULTILINGALISM Multilingualism is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that arises as a result of language contact. It is a situation in which two i.e. bilingualism specifically or more languages operates within the same context. In order to fully appreciate this question, it will be proper to have a historical knowledge of how we came to be a multilingual country and also what the concept of multilingualism means the historical background of Nigeria’s multilingualism, as well as the advantages and disadvantages it presents. FEATURES OF MULTILINGUALISM In multilingual countries, majority of people speak three or more languages: Their mother tongue Other local or community languages The national languages as well as an ex-colonial language like English, French e.t.c. Multilingualism makes its speakers think about their own patter...