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The will of God who sanctifies you is that you abstain from sexual immorality and that each one of us knows how to control his/her own body in holiness and honour not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God. (1thes 4:3-5)
I want to stress that sex is a natural function but that it carries responsibilities to another person. As young people who are being referred to as the sexually active population in our society, we are not matured to handle psychological stress that comes with pre-marital sex despite our maturity physically (body & size). The proposed zone for sex by God is marriage which is honourable unto all. How do we totally abstain from pre-marital sex and its consequences?
 Curiosity with youth seems to be inseparable. If you are curious seek guided advice from the right adults and the internet but don’t dare some practical.
 At a tender age you need a network of good friends because most information you receive, assimilate and later interpret in actions are gotten from our peer groups. The greatest influence upon a youth is one’s peer group (age mates, school mates & street/hood pals).
 Inferiority complex complicates things for we the youths. Don’t desire what someone has because you want to be like him/her. Gals measure their worth by their sex partners & guys by the number of virgins deflowered as a bet. The desire to feel wanted makes reasons for early relationship but there are rules to every game.
 Insecurity is the tendency to feel fearful, anxious, unsafe, apprehension regarding present or future situations or circumstances. Don’t do this to yourself, who says no one will marry a non-sexually experienced person? It’s all a forged lie to lure you to fear, make you anxious because they have made a great mistake & are searching for more people to join their club.
Controlling ourselves in holiness and honour to abstain from all sexual motives is to say as Joseph did (how will I do this great evil and sin against God), don’t go into this flu of boyfriend /girl friend because it’s just an avenue for codling & petting in other to feel a sense of belonging. Propose to have the abstinence syndrome (Abstain till Marriage) with God’s words to convince and admonish you in your decision.
Abstinence doesn’t mean masturbation in other to console oneself about not having the /real thing. Oral sex could kill your sex drive so why don’t you hold up a while longer and table this in you heart (let no guy/gals despise your youth).


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